The following forms part of the restrictive covenants making up land on Goring Gap. These do not talk of green fields or farmers fields, they refer to the construction of houses and are still present today. Monday and Tuesday’s were then the main washing days after the weekend!

Fact. Every house that surrounds Goring Hall, Aldsworth Avenue to the Ilex Way will have these covenants and restrictions written on their land registry title. The only difference, their home was built before the outbreak of WW2.


This register contains any charges and other matters that affect the land.

A Conveyance of the land tinted pink on the title plan and other land dated 27 November 1937 made between (1) Hesketh Estates Limited (Vendors) (2) Lloyds Bank Limited and (3) Hesper Limited (Purchasers) contains covenants details of which are set out in the schedule of restrictive covenants hereto.

NOTE: The Conveyance dated 10 April 1933 referred to was made between (1) Percy Hudson and (2) Hesketh Estates Limited and included the land tinted pink on the title plan.

The land tinted blue on the title plan is subject to such restrictive covenants as may have been imposed thereon before 9 April 1987 and are still subsisting and capable of being enforced.

Schedule of restrictive covenants 

1 The following are details of the covenants contained in the Conveyance dated 27 November 1937 referred to in the Charges Register:-

“THE FOURTH SCHEDULE above referred to.


N.B. – In this schedule the expression “the plots” means the land conveyed by the above written Conveyance and “the Vendors” shall mean the Vendors and their successors in title the person or persons from time to time entitled to enforce the respective covenants on the part of the Purchasers contained in the above written Conveyance.


FRONT BUILDING LINE. – The main front wall of any dwelling-house or other building to be erected on any plot forming part of the land hereby conveyed shall be set back from the front boundary of such plot next the abutting road or proposed road in front of such plot to the respective building lines shown on the said plan and shall not without the consent in writing of the Vendors be set further back from the said road than the said front building line. No building or erection shall be built or erected on the plot (or each of the plots) nearer to the front boundary thereof than the respective distances as aforesaid except fences and gates of such height and character as the Vendors shall approve.


No building or erection except fences and gates of such height and character as the Vendors shall approve shall be built or erected between the flank building line (if any) shown on the said plan upon the plot and any road shown on the said plan at side of the said plot nor shall any building be set back more than 50 feet from any such abutting road at side without the consent of the Vendors.

NO building of any kind other than a private or professional dwelling-house with appropriate offices motor house stabling and outbuildings to be appurtenant thereto and occupied therewith shall be erected on any plot forming part of the land hereby conveyed and no trade or business of any kind other than that of a doctor in private practice not to include a panel doctor or a doctor with a public dispensary solicitor or duly registered dentist or private school shall Title number WSX xxxxxxx be carried on upon any part of the plot without the Vendors’ previous consent in writing first obtained All wireless aerials shall be confined to the roof or interior of the erected houses.

Not more than 33 detached houses of a net prime cost of at least £1,250 exclusive of motor house stabling and outbuildings and of no less size than 25,000 cubic feet for each of such detached houses (exclusive of motor house outbuildings stabling) shall be erected on the land hereby conveyed Net prime cost in each case means net prime cost of materials and labour of construction only at lowest current prices No house or other building shall be erected nor shall any addition to any house (after erection) or alteration to its approved elevations be made except in accordance with plan elevations sections and specifications of the materials to be used for the walls and roofs of such houses or buildings and block plans to be first submitted to and approved of in writing by the Vendors or their surveyor for which a fee of £1 lls. 6d. for each set of plans including not more than one detached or pair of semi-detached houses shall be paid to the Vendors’ surveyor on submission thereof No house shall be erected on land having a building line frontage of less than thirty five feet without the written consent of the Vendors (which they shall be under no obligation to give) first obtained.

No washing shall be displayed in or about the property or any part thereof at any time on any Sunday or after hour of 2 p.m. on any Wednesday Thursday Friday or Saturday.

No hut caravan or house-on-wheels shall be placed on the plot nor shall any temporary building or erection be placed or built thereon at any time without the Vendors’ consent in writing being first obtained.

Any plot whilst unbuilt upon shall not be used for any purpose other than garden ground tennis court bowling green meadowland plant nursery horticulture or orchard No act deed or thing shall at any time be done or permitted on the plot or in or upon any building thereon nor any operative machinery be fixed or placed therein or thereon which may at any time be or grow to be an annoyance nuisance damage or disturbance to the Vendors or the owner or tenant of any adjoining or neighbouring land.

No brickmaking shall be carried on upon the plot nor shall any sand chalk stone gravel clay flint stone or soil be removed therefrom except what may be necessary in excavating the foundations of any building to be erected thereon or in levelling the site for a garden.

Without the express consent in writing of the Vendors no plot forming part of the land hereby conveyed nor any part thereof shall at any time be used either :

(A) as a road or way or as part of a road or way from or to any land adjoining the Goring Hall Estate of Hesketh Estates Limited or

(B) for the purpose of carrying or laying therein thereon or thereover any sewer drain water main gas main or wires or cables for electricity or for providing any other public or private service (except only telephone wires or cables for private use of the house erected on the land hereby conveyed).

(A) No overhead telephone telegraph or other wires cables or apparatus shall at any time be erected or carried on or over the land hereby conveyed or any part thereof.

(B). The Purchasers or their Successors in title shall at their own expense supply and lay during the erection of each and every dwellinghouse erected on the land hereby conveyed a 1-inch screw jointed galvanised iron pipe (of a quality to be first approved by the Postmaster-General and to contain a light gauge drawn wire supplied by the Postmaster-General but laid by the Purchasers or their successors in title) from a position above ground floorlevel on the external wall of each dwellinghouse into and under the surface of the footway on the site of which the dwellinghouse abuts (or if such site abuts on more than one street or road into and under the surface of the footway of such one of those streets or roads as the Postmaster-General shall Title number WSXxxxxxx require) and thence (when the footway has not been concreted flagged or paved) to a point under such footway and immediately in front of such site to be fixed by the Postmaster-General.

Each such Galvanised iron pipe shall as soon as the same is laid become the property of the Postmaster-General and be part of his telegraph lines to be used by him for the purpose of providing telephone service to the occupiers for the time being of the dwelling-houses on the Goring Hall Estate And no dwellinghouse which is not erected in accordance with this sub-clause shall be built or allowed to remain on the plot.

(C) The Purchasers shall indemnify the Postmaster-General and the Vendors against any claims actions proceedings costs and demands which may arise out of or as a consequence of the laying of such pipe.

No notice boards of any kind shall at any time be erected or allowed to remain on the property without the consent in writing of the Vendors having been first obtained but such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld in the case of notice boards erected on the property in the name of the Purchasers or any agents authorised by them for the sale of any plot or the house erected thereon provided that the size and wording of such notice boards are approved by the Vendors or their agents.

No building material is at any time to be stacked deposited or mixed on any footpath road or grass verge not forming part of the plot.

The carriageway adjoining the plot is not without the previous written consent of the Vendors to be broken up for any purpose whatever.

Except with the written consent of the Vendors first obtained no growing timber on the plot shall be cut or felled except so far as necessary for the erection of a house or a layout of a garden thereon.

No other house or other erection for the purpose of carrying on the trade or business of a licensed victualler beerhouse-keeper wine and spirit merchant or for any other purpose for or in connection with the sale or supply of any beers wines spirits or other intoxicants for consumption on or off the premises shall be built upon the land or any part thereof nor shall any portion of the land or premises be used for any of such purposes.”

NOTE: The building line is set back 70 feet from Marine Drive.

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